3 comments on “Technology Alone Won’t Take Us to the Stars

  1. I’ve often wanted to explain to other black people why I’m a NASA and Star Trek fan. ( I occasionally hear about heir disinterest in space and the future. )

    This is a perfect answer. It is possible to be concerned with the now and still dream about the future.

  2. Some people get Sci-fi other don’t 🙂 Personally, I’m a fan and I enjoy reading some of your stuff, so keep on writing and sharing.

    Just in case you don’t hear this enough, Thank you. and God Bless You.

    • Thank you for your continued reading of my work. I have not posted here in a while (even though I HAVE been writing) so I will move to address this as soon as possible.

      It’s a rough and often lonely road. A reader is a beacon in an otherwise endless night. A appreciate reader is as a lighthouse, shining bright enough to buoy a captain’s soul after a long affair with that night.

      Your kind words go a long way toward keeping me at sea as a writer. Thank you.

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