19 comments on “Dark Harvest

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  11. I wonder if all this software would take into account the target’s ability to adjust/submit to the new situation, seeing as all these connections would also make it tricky to keep that subject isolated – the client would never be able to trust them anywhere near an internet-connected device without a lot of physical and psychological control, or ever have them appear in public again wherever there’s a camera. This would be a rather sticky two-bladed sword.

    • In theory, such an operation would take all such contingencies into consideration including hacking monitors during the snatch. Taking the subject to a different country, as human trafficking is prone to do, limiting their exposure to media services, again as such as inclined to do, and using tried and tested psychological manipulations, I don’t see this being a problem seeing how many people have already disappeared and have never been found again. There are many places where little technology exists who engage in such trafficking and have it down to a science. This was the point of the story. Human trafficking is already a gangbuster business using methods hundreds of years old. Now with technology what new horrors could they create…

      • Thousands of years old, if ancient history is counted. I figure the modern street pimp and the slave factor from the days of Julius Caesar would agree on a lot once the cultural and linguistic factors were out of the way.

  12. Pingback: Using AI And Algorithms To Return To Feudal Economic Models

  13. Pingback: Using AI And Algorithms To Return To Feudal Economic Models | Alt Left Press

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  16. Pingback: Vocidallestero » ZH: L’”Economia degli Algoritmi” e il Nuovo Feudalesimo

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